Gender Troughout history
Written by:Antonia Jiménez - Septembre 2, 2024

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Trough the human history gender roles and steriotypes have always been present, and taken to the extreme, today we are going to talk about the gender roles, discrimination and more aspects that are present in our day to day life.

Biologycal birth sex
Many people are prone to the idea that gender has only to do with birth sex, male and female and trough the history this has been a very common thought, and therefore the majority of the gender roles are stablished by this, take an example before December 10 of 1869 women were not allowed to vote in the United States, because voting was tought to be a task exclusive for men.

And many other things like that one surround the women’s role in society, even though there is no strict rule in most of the countries that women have to fit a certain role or model for being a woman, there are still many people that perpetuate this idea.

And that idea of women having to fit a mold that society builded is used as a reason for aggresive, oppresive and violent behaviors towards women, like domestic violence, and sexual abuse; and due to this idea most of the society tends to turn a blind eye to things like the annual cipher of women raped in the country or sexual assaults at work and domestic abuse.

There lies the strongest reason to feminism, that is a movement that fights for gender equity, for fairness and respect towards all genders the same; feminism has been making an amazing progress since its creation, like providing equal vote, decent work opportunities and a decent salary, its still fighting to erase completely gender violence in the countries and groups that still prepetuate it.

All though most of the gender violence perpetuations are towards women, men also suffer from it, according to society they have to fit into a special role model, and this model is bad on their mental health state, hence an insane amount of people think and blindly believe that men have no right to show other emotions aside anger and if they do they are going to be discrimintated to the point that the gender that commits suicide the most is male.

Gender identity and orientaion
Continuing on the topic of gender roles and discrimination the LGBTQIA+ community has also a lot of history with this, since being straight is the most common thing in society and when you don’t fit in the “norm” you are discriminated, loving people of your same sex is still considered forbbiden, a sin, weird and deserving of hate and disrespect same as not identifying as your birth biological sex.
And this community also has violence perpetuated against them, of all types, verbal physical and even subtle, its there on our every day life in things as little as jokes or snarky comments, the fact that most people don’t realise that or if they do they wont do anything to stop it is what is really worrying of the situation.

Violence towards women
As said earlier in the article there is gender violence towards women (and men too but that is for another section), and is present in many ways, some being way worse than others, this violence with not an exact idea of the origin finds its way into society in the time of the Roman empire, when a law had established that a man could have authority on the life or death of his wife

There is also a biologycal answer to the reason of this violence, that testosterone makes men more prone to violent and completely irrational behaviors; the blame can’t rely entirely on the hormones ofcourse, because as individuals with ideas of morality and right and wrong we make the choice to use the violence to achieve something, whether its control over someones life, pleasure, a servant and many things more.

Women are victims of many ways of discrimination even nowadays, there is rape as well as a really large list of different sexual violence, emotional damage, such as invalitading the opinions or emotions of a woman laying back on the argument that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or that she should stop complaining so much, and that takes to an unneficient system against violence, since instead of listening to the victim what is done is judging her due to her sex, when a rape case is brought up in any scenario the most common thing said is as if it was the victim’s fault for dressing some way, saying that she asked for it.

When a domestic abuse situation of any kind is brought up the replies tend to be more sensible, however there is still people that instead of trying to hel in any way all they do is ask But how do you behave?>, and again the victim has all the fault and responsiblity of the situation.

There are many other explicit and subtle violence perpetuations, each one worse and with a justification that doesn’t make any sense, as a society we should all stop acting with indifference on this and start doing something, because when they harm a woman in the society its not just her that recieves the harm, there are many more than do, even the whole society suffers from it, and in order to evade this we must at least try to stop this remarks on victims and women in general.

Violence towards men
Gender violence is not only towards women, even though that one is the oldest and most notorious one, men also suffer from gender violence due to steriotypes and standards taken as the norm.

Men also suffer from abuses, that are against the law and human rights, and they can’t complain or tell anyone because its harder for them to believe that the man is the one being abused and not the other way around.The most common and worrying part of the situation against men is the emotional invalidation and the lack of safe spaces to express themselves, this is the most worrying part because when someone does not process and validates their emotions the right way at the right time the situation can get far more worse, that even suicide can be commited and when that happens is not a loss only for the people that knew the victim, but to the whole society because, How can you say we are all equal and can protest if nedeed if suicide numbers say the opposite?

Starting change
This whole gender violence situation has to stop as soon as possible, we can’t affor to have any more victims of any type of violence, so if you see violence being perpetuated and you know you can do something to stop the situation dont be afraid to do so.

If you suffer from domestic violence of any type search for phone lines or people you can rely on to speak up and to help you, you are not alone.

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